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7…SOME STATISTICS of Our Solar System. and,Man made Definitions. By OBSERVATION and ADVENTURE


Diameter- 1.4 million kilometer away

Nearest Star to Earth.

Age. 4.5 billion years??

Rotates on its axis, once every 27 days.


Diameter-4,880 kilometres

Distance from SUN-58 million kilometers.

Period of Revolution around the SUN-87.96 Earth days.

Period of Rotation-58.7 Earth days


Diameter-12,104 kilometers

Distance from SUN-108 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-224,68 Earth Days

Period of Rotation- 243 Earth Days


Diameter 12,256 kilometres

Distance from SUN-150 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-365.26 Earth Days

Period of Rotation- 24 Hours. Number of Moons =1


Diameter 6,790 kilometres

Distance from SUN-228 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-686.98 Earth Days

Period of Rotation- 24.6 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=2

CERES: a dwarf planet

Diameter 950 kilometres

Distance from SUN-419 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-1679.8 Earth Days

Period of Rotation- 9.07 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=0


Diameter 142,800  kilometres

Distance from SUN-778 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-11,862 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- 9.84 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=64


Diameter 120,680 kilometres

Distance from SUN-1,427 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-29,456 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- 10.2 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=54


Diameter 51,118 kilometres

Distance from SUN-2,871 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-84.07 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- 17.9 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=27


Diameter 48,600 kilometres

Distance from SUN-4,497 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-164.81 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- 19.1 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=37


Diameter 2274 kilometres

Distance from SUN-5,913 million kilometers

Period of Revolution around the SUN-247.7 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- 6.39 Earth Hours. Number of Moons=4


Diameter 2300 kilometres

Distance from SUN-Various due to eleptical orbit

Period of Revolution around the SUN-557 Earth YEARS

Period of Rotation- Uncertain. Number of Moons=1

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