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Chapter 6 Tidying Up Loose Ends

6.2 Return visit to HMAS Cerberus.


        "Hello, my name is Lieutenant Russell Westcombe. I am ringing on behalf of the Executive Officer at Cerberus, to make arrangements for you to view the statuette of George Bass." Phill received the telephone call, made an assumption of availability after school, later in the week, and made a day and time.

       Lt Westcombe met the guys in the car park at the gangplank entrance to HMAS Cerberus, and invited them to follow him in his car, which also happened to be a Discovery Land Rover.

       "He looks big and important in his uniform," Chris suggested.

       "We didn't even have to sign in, he must be important," followed up Tristan.

     The short journey followed the creek towards the small wharf area, before they turned right and traversed several intersections before stopping at the side of the parade ground. The entrance to the Officers Wardroom was up the very grand-looking wide steps leading to the very impressive old fashioned building.

       Pushing out his hand to be shaken, "Hi fellows, call me Russell," the lieutenant said.

     He then pointed out some of the buildings around the perimeter of the parade ground, and their uses. After that everyone trooped up the steps and into the entrance foyer of the Officers Wardroom. Everyone signed the register while Lt Westcombe went to find the Leading Seaman steward, who was in charge. A very efficient young lady in uniform appeared with him, and guided the visitors into the Officers Mess.

       What a grand room. It dates from the original construction of the naval base HMAS Cerberus in the early 1900s. The fellows walked around the unique room, very interested by what they saw.


The silver statuette of George Bass in the Officers Mess, HMAS Cerberus

         The statuette resided in an enormous glass display case. Other objects in the case took the eyes of the fellows, and included many silver items such as intricately worked dishes, salvers and medals. The seaman was most obliging in removing the statuette from the display case to enable the fellows to take good photographs. Only the seaman was allowed to handle the statuette.

       The fellows were also shown around other areas of the wardroom, such as the library and meeting rooms. Both boys thanked Lt Westcombe for organising the visit and his kind courtesy. The fellows had really enjoyed his company. Lt. Westcombe then suggested that on the way out they follow him, and they would see more of the base. They passed the training schools, tennis courts, gym and swimming pool, café and small shops. It appeared to be great set up.


The Officers Mess, HMAS Cerberus. On the table, the statuette of Bass; on the far wall, a painting of Governor Captain Arthur Phillip, with his ship and being rowed ashore at Botany Bay.


Central panel of the painting in the Officers Mess, HMAS Cerberus, showing Governor Phillip going ashore at Botany Bay


The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Officers Mess, HMAS Cerberus.




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