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20. 70 YEARS of AUSTRALIAN DEVELOPMENT  1850 to 1920 and some of the World at that time.

1850. Elizabeth MacArthur died in Sydney.
All of the Bronte sisters had died
1851. Hargreaves finds gold near Bathurst

1853 American Commodore Perry, with 4 warships, arrives Tokyo Bay Japan, to force the Japanese toTrade with the World

1854. Flinders Street Railway Station opened by Sir Charles Hotham.

1856 VDL named Tasmania.

1856 8 hours Labour--8 hours Recreation—8 hours Rest introduced.
Descendants of Bounty moved to Norfolk island
Explorers Gregory and Forest.

1857 Melbourne streets lighted by GAS

1858 New Football game created for Victoria

1859 July. S.A. Parliament reward posted for First Expedition to cross Australia North to South

1859 Submarine Cable layed between Cape Otway Victoria and Circular Head Tasmania.

1859 Thos. Austin imported live into Victoria, Partridges, Hares and Rabbits.

1858 Sydney—Melbourne—Adelaide linked by Electric Telegraph.

1861 April. At Coopers Creek, Bourke, Wills and King returned and camped.Bourke and Wills eventually died.

1861 Nov. Archer was the first Melbourne Cup winner.
1862 Explorer Stuart.
1866 Explorer Leichardt
1869 The Suez Canal Opened.
1901 Australian Federalism.
1914  World War 1 began
1920  Outbreak of World Depression.
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